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Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly

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Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly Vide
MessageSujet: Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly   Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly EmptyLun 1 Nov - 13:47

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Pseudo : AmelCow
Âge : Seize ans
Comment avez vous connu le forum ? : Par une pub' sur Bazzart
Avatar souhaité : Simon Baker
Présence : 4/7 jours
Le mot magique ? : indiquez les mentions nécessaires
(c) tumblr-bokayjunkie

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Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly   Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly EmptyLun 1 Nov - 14:52

bienvenue toi big smile
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Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly   Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly EmptyLun 1 Nov - 20:50

Cédric ♥ (j'adore vraiment ce prénom)
bienvenue & bonne chance
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Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly   Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly EmptyLun 1 Nov - 23:26

Bienvenue !! Bon choix d'avatar :)

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Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly   Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly Empty

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Cédric ♣ if you want to touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly

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