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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end

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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:15

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Pseudo : Blue dream, Mehdi.
Âge : Quatorze dans une semaine tongue
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Avatar souhaité : Katie Cassidy I love you
Présence : Sept sur sept.
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Dernière édition par Tinsley Horsentree le Sam 26 Mar - 23:39, édité 1 fois
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:15

Peut-on me réserver monsieur Wesley ? TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 414145 TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 81441 I love you
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:17

PAUL !!!!!!!!!!!!! TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 445148
Bienvenue à toi et bonne chance pour ta fiche TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 640190
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:19

TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 445148 TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 445148 TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 445148

Bienvenue TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 819337
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:20

paul wesley super choix !
bonne chance pour ta ficheee
on te le réserve pour une semaine ^^
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:22

(mais hayden reste plus beau mon ama)

bienvenue et bon courage^^
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:23

Merci à vous trois TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 81441
Je pense avoir fait le bon choix avec Paul TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 33844 I love you
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Reed Magnus-Wexforth
Reed Magnus-Wexforth

Nous avons fait de l'enseignement notre devoir, et nous enseignons aux jeunes la magie.

first Log-in : 17/07/2010
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:24

PAUL TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 640190
Bienvenue, 'exigera un petit (énorme) lien moi TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 33844

LANA, je t'ai à l'oeil TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 79956 Arrow
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:28

IAN&PAUL, obligé on a un lien qui gère TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 81441
Merci I love you
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Reed Magnus-Wexforth
Reed Magnus-Wexforth

Nous avons fait de l'enseignement notre devoir, et nous enseignons aux jeunes la magie.

first Log-in : 17/07/2010
parchemins : 2991

TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:30

Ouais, un truc qui gère à mort Smile
(sauf si t'es un méchant pro sang pur Arrow )
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:33

Reed Magnus-Wexforth a écrit:
LANA, je t'ai à l'oeil TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 79956 Arrow

Il n'y a que toi dans ma vie Reed, tu le sais bien TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 87881
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:52

Bienvenuuuue TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 395712
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:53


Je crois qu'on a presque tout le cast de TVD maintenant avec l'arriver de Paul
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 22:58

J'étais étonné de voir qu'il était encore libre, parce que Paul quoi ! TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 588627 TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 588627
Merci à vous deux, et excellent choix d'avatar TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 200463
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMar 8 Mar - 23:57

Et moi qui a mis Steeven dans mon scéna^^
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Tamsin Inari M-Finharvin
Tamsin Inari M-Finharvin

Patience et justice sont nos atoux. Et nous respectons la mémoire de notre chère Helga.

first Log-in : 19/09/2010
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyMer 9 Mar - 1:33

Définitivement les mecs mignon de TVD nous ont pratiquement tous envahit. bienvenue sur le forum Deacon.
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyLun 14 Mar - 16:43

Bienvenue, belle fiche!

Sinon le titre de ta présentation me fait penser à un groupe, je sais pas si c'était voulu, bref

* Repart dans son trou* ^^
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptySam 26 Mar - 23:40

    Je fais un changement complet, donc adieu Paul et bonjour Katie TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 33844 TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 81441
    Je termine ma fiche au plus viiiiite ! TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 588627
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Reed Magnus-Wexforth
Reed Magnus-Wexforth

Nous avons fait de l'enseignement notre devoir, et nous enseignons aux jeunes la magie.

first Log-in : 17/07/2010
parchemins : 2991

TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyDim 27 Mar - 7:46

oh katie TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 87881 TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 221247
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyDim 27 Mar - 11:08

Welcome et bonne chance pour ta fiche TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 87881
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyDim 27 Mar - 11:15

BINEVENUUUUUUUUUUE TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end 469549
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end EmptyLun 4 Avr - 14:55

Serait-ce possible de savoir ou en est ta présentation? Si d'ici vendredi le 8 avril elle n'est pas terminée et nous restons sans nouvelles de ta part, ta fiche sera déplacée aux archives et ton compte supprimé. merci!
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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Vide
MessageSujet: Re: TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end   TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end Empty

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TINSLEY ♛ it's just the beginning, not the end

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