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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED

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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyMer 28 Sep - 11:27

The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Tumblr_lmsc33u12Y1qfknu6

    "Feathered, winged and snake-like, the Occamy moves on two legs and can be as long as fourteen feet." read Lynn, one of Coke's classmates. Their Care of Magical Creatures teacher had given them researches to do on exotic creatures for the next lesson, and Lynn had accepted to help her in reading the books the Librarian had advised her. Most of the time, someone else helped in this task, but he was presently occupied in Quidditch training sessions. Coke wasn't exceptionally taken by her classmate's reading, neither was Lynn herself. She had something else much more important to ask her... "He nourrishes mainly out of rats and birds, although..." Lynn stopped in her reading. Coke turned her head towards her, and finally asked after a little pause. "What is it?" She heard her classmate close the book and could sense her bending towards her, as she felt her breath while she whispered quitely. "I'm sorry Cocoon but I can't wait to know anymore. Have you flown on your broom yet?" "What?!!" Her cry of surprise had been such that Lynn had jumped backwards while the Grindelmonk's common room had fallen quieter for a moment. Coke had not sounded angry or violent, merely sincerely surprised. When people started to talk again, Lynn felt she could went on. "Well, the whole school knows... It's..." "Why of course, they know. Everyone has seen me receiving my broom." she cut her classmate. "Apparently what they can't get in their head is that I'm BLIND! How do they expect me to..." "No,no,no." It was her turn to be cut. "It's all in the Daily Prophet. You know every month they get an interview with one student. Well yesterday it was Rory!" Coke had a bad feeling. These interviews were read by a lot of students, especially those as Lynn who were fond of gossips, as much in hearing as spreading them... What could Rory have said that concerned her?... Coke heard the rustle of paper that came from the last Daily Prohet as Lynn took it out. "It's a the very end... There! "One last word to concluded? Coke, you will fly on that broom..." "WHAT!!!" This time, Coke sounded both angry and violent. The Common Room fell perfectly still as Coke rose up, taking her Kneazle to the floor and disappeared in the girls dormitories. A few seconds later, she re-appeared, crossing the common room in long strides, her broom at one hand. Her mates looked at her with an expression of mistrust, just like the people in a saloon in the western movies. When she was out, people went back to their conversation. Lynn was immediatley joined by a fellow-gossiper who had waited the whole day to know if the blind would fly... "So what happened?" she asked greedily. "I think Rory's gonna die..." answered Lynn, her voice shaking... "Again?" answered her friend in a laugh. They were used to Coke's threats about him...

    When she was out of the Grindelmonk's place, the sound of the Quidditch training sessions were blown to her by the wind : wheezings of brooms, shoutings of players... She turned her steps towards the stadium, walking with speed and determination. Even her Kneazle was left behind, and had for once to be the follower. By the time she had reached the stadium, the trainings had come to an end and silence had fallen. While her Kneazle was already leading her towards the playing ground, Coke's ear was caught by the muffled sound of boys' voices, behind what was probably a door. She didn't knock. She kicked though...

    "A girl!!!" "Oï!!!" "I'm not dressed!!!" "Get out!!!" "Close your eyes!!!" Ignorant to the high-perched boys'cries, Coke made, or rather kicked her way through the changing-room. She was throwing aside benches and bags, not seeing where she was going as her Kneazle was still at the door. He was probably wondering if it was really worth it to get into so much steam and water, obviously offended that Coke had found her way to the Stadium without him. "LANSWOOD!!! she raored. "You're not allowed here!!!" "Close your eyes!!!" "Get out NOW!!!" She was now next to the showers were the sound of the splashing water stopped her from hearing most of what was said to her. When sunddenly... "Was that Coke I heard?" The broomstick made a circular movement in her hands, taking speed and violently hitting right next to her shoulder, precisely where the voice had come from, right out of the showers... "OWWW!!! Rory, you're alright?" "OWWW!!! You're mad!!! Not with the broom!!!" "Oh don't worry." she said in a softened tone, turning around towards the boy who'd talked to her. "It was the brushy end. It could have been, much more..." "It doesn't change ANYTHING!!! If you damage EITHER ends of the broom, the WHOLE balance is broken!" "Um... I was talking about Rory, but... anyway... She turned back to Rory, taking back her threatening tone, holding her broom towards him like a sword. "Do you still wanna make me fly, Lanswood?!... Why don't you make me seeker of the team, while you're at it... The boys behing her laughed softly, but she had the feeling that it had nothing to do with what she'd just said. Apparently, they too had heard about this interview, and already had some jokes about it... "Ohoh yeah! I'll bet he'll make you fly on THAT broom." she heard one of them say on an unmistakable tone. She could guess at the boys' hilarity what gesture was accompanying the joke. She hardly moved, but her broom made another giant circle in the air and hit the boy behind her, right where he had made the gesture, and on the hard end of the stick this time... The boys burst out with laugther, some moaning in compassion for their playing mate as he fell to the floor, hands between his legs. Coke took back her broomstick in both of her hands like a samuraï and said, feeling the hard wood between her fingers. "I'm king of enjoying this actually!

Dernière édition par Cocoon McGallifrey le Jeu 1 Mar - 9:43, édité 1 fois
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyMer 28 Sep - 18:13

Quidditch training had been particularly strange that day, his teammates had been too busy teasing him about his interview on the Daily Prophet to actually try and bully him. It was a nice change, though unexpected and a bit weird. He hadn’t really thought about the consequences during the interview, just said anything that came to his mind. He sure hadn’t foreseen the reactions he was getting. People kept reminding him of his last comment, how his words would be his “famous last words” and that they would be engraved on his tombstone. He really, seriously hadn’t seen any double-entendre when he said it… Now of course, it seemed blaringly obvious, what with all his teammates teasing him relentlessly. And the more time passed, the more he dreaded Coke finding out about this. But for now at least, he was safe in the guys’ locker room, under a scathingly hot shower. He was humming softly, for a while lost in his own little bubble. The sound of the showers, the soap and water in his ears muffled everything around him, and with his eyes closed against the stream he could almost believe he was alone. Guys started to shout around him, not really loud enough so he could distinguish the words. They were always shouting for a reason or another anyway. Rory didn’t pay it any mind, until he picked up his name… being yelled… He pushed his head out of the shower curtains, it couldn’t be, all this teasing must have made him paranoid. But still, that sounded like...

“Was that Coke I heard?” A violent hit to the shoulder took him by surprise and he fell to the floor. Well, that answered him. “OWWW! Rory, you’re alright?” He checked quickly: his shoulders smarted, from the hit and from the fall, but otherwise he was fi… “OWWW! You’re mad!! Not with the broom!!!” THE BROOM ? She had used The Broom?!! That thing of marvel and beauty?!! He picked himself up from the floor, opened his mouth to protest “Oh, don’t worry” she answered before he could say anything, her voice soft, and he suddenly remembered he was in big, big trouble. “It was the brushy end. It could have been, much more…” “It doesn’t change ANYTHING! If you damage EITHER end of the broom, the WHOLE balance is broken!” Yeah, exactly! Well, except his shoulder didn’t exactly agree. Getting hit by the stick would have hurt a lot more. BUT A BROOM WASN’T A QUIDDITCH BAT DAMMIT ! “Um, I was talking about Rory, anyway…” She had been careful not to hurt him to much! Wait a minute: why did that make him feel happy?! She turned to him, and she was holding her broom like a sword. Rory gaped at her, appalled. A broom was NOT a weapon! “Do you still wanna make me fly, Lanswood?!... Why don’t you make me seeker of the team, while you’re at it…” He held his hand up in a pacifying gesture, not that she could see it, but her tone was threatening and he was started to get really, really scared for her broom. It was a delicate thing that should be handled with tenderness and care. He heard the boys laugh around him in a way that was really, really not good. He sent them a pleading look, silently begging. Come on guys, the broom and I are in enough trouble already… “Ohoh yeah, I’ll bet he’ll make you fly on THAT broom.”…thanks, guys. The gesture Finn made was totally lost on her, but Rory suddenly felt very, very naked… He threw his best Oh you’re so dead glance at that stupid Finn, when the broom suddenly flew around and hit him between the legs. Rory couldn’t help but crack up, laughing so hard he had trouble breathing.”I’m kind of enjoying this, actually” said Coke, a wicked smile on her face. And Rory remembered that he was still in trouble, still naked, and that the broom was still being used as a deadly weapon in the middle of the showers. And that Cocoon was surrounded by naked, grinning men.

”Erm, alright guys, time to put some clothes on…” “Come on Rory, she doesn’t care. It’s not like she’s seeing anything she shouldn’t see!” Rory’s tone took a dangerous edge: “Are you volunteering to be my bludgers’ target?” His words were enough to shut him up, and the guys went back to their lockers to get dressed. Rory stopped the shower that was still running behind him, and hoped the guys stealing glances at him would think the redness on his cheeks came from the steam. He was still very much naked as well as wet, and even though he knew it wasn’t the case it didn’t change the fact that it felt like Coke was watching him. Not ready to get closer to her to get to his own locker, he took a towel behind him to cover himself. “Coke… I just… could you… could you just use your wand to harm me? Please? That poor broom hasn’t done anything to you!” “…yet” Finn added, laughter filling the crowded lockers room. “Oh, guys, I’m so gonna kill you all…” he said, before taking a bottle of shampoo and throwing it to Finn’s face, hitting him right on the nose. Rory grinned, avenged and proud of his aim. "Oww!" cried Finn, rubbing his nose, his crotch probably still hurting him as well "Who the hell are you two, freakin' Bonnie and Clyde?!"
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptySam 8 Oct - 11:55

“I’m kind of enjoying this, actually!” she had said with a singing voice. Getting confident with her broom, she was now passing it from one hand to the other, just like a juggler. The steam of the changing room had now make her long shaggy dark hair wet. Her already short clothes were beginning to stick to her body, and her skin was getting shiny with water. She was now almost as attractive as scary, and that was saying something. “Erm, alright guys, time to put some clothes on… “Come on, Rory! She doesn’t care! It’s not like she’s seeing anything she shouldn’t see!” That was a good one, actually. She could go far with this… “Are you volunteering to be my bludgers’ target?” ”Thanks, Rory. Seriously, I’ve never seen anything worst!” For instance… Even without a broom, that was dolorous. Making people feel ill at ease, this was a new kind of torture that was truly thrilling. She could not stop herself anymore. It was too much fun. Genuinely enjoying herself now, she leant against a wall close to where Rory was standing, her arms crossed. “I like it when you become threatening. She whispered in a teasing tone so that only him could hear. She had never hear him speak with such a tone before and it was a nice surprise to see that he could also trun a whole room silent just like she sometimes did. “Do you have anything else new for me today?” A slight brush on her hand made her shiver, and she tried to calm herself by thinking it was only something that Rory had covered himself with that had unintentionally touched her skin on the way. “Coke… I just… Could you… Coke was starting to feel a bit aroused now. “Could you just use your wand to harm me?... Please?...” “What?...” She whispered in an excited tone, forgetting to breathe. “That poor broom hasn’t done anything to you…” “…yet!” On the boy’s joke, the boys laughed heartily. Then Coke, who had stayed a moment transfixed by Rory’s words, made a violent sound somewhere between coughing and sneezing. She had bent in two, her long wet hair hiding her face, and very soon, strong and slow bursts of laughing escaped from her. It was a nice sound, low, sweet, and yet powerful. She had never laughed that hard. What had she been thinking? “Oh guys, I’m so gonna kill you all…” Coke wasn’t listening what was happening around her anymore. She was struggling to try and breathe, holding her chest that was starting to hurt. After a few seconds, she managed to stand against the wall again, just as the boy was saying “Owww, who the hell are you two? Freaking Bonnie and Clyde? “No!” she answered, her sweet laugh still audible in her voice, putting her arm around Rory’s strong shoulders. “We’re Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!... I’m Mr Hyde!” She then turned to Rory. “Well Doctor! I’m on my way! And don’t you worry for that brooooOOOOOHHHH!!!” She had made a circling move with the stick to indicate the said broom, but something must had gone wrong in her way to do it, for the broom had started to fly, Coke still clinging to it. “A shooting star!” “A shooting Coke!” “A Coke shot!!!” Coke crashed at the other side of the room, crashing into a half-dressed boy who had been changing his back turned. The boys were now hilarious. “The vengeance of the broom!” “Coke falls from the sky! ”
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyMer 19 Oct - 19:05

“Thanks, Rory. Seriously, I’ve never seen anything worse!” Rory shook his head, a little smile on his lips. He could see that she was having as much fun with those puns as the guys. She leant on the wall close to him – maybe a little too close, he shivered when he felt her body heat brushing his skin - and whispered so only he could hear “I like it when you become threatening” He had a sudden vision of them ravaging lands and seas dressed like ancient warrior gods (only a lot sexier) and decided that he was turning crazy. Clearly, Coke had gotten to his head. Was she actually flirting with him? “Do you have anything else new for me today?”. Okay. Coke flirting with him. Coke, her clothes sticking to her body, glistening with water, standing in front of his naked self, near the showers, flirting with him. His head filled with bad, bad thoughts and he decided not to say anything and cover himself instead. He was still very, very naked and it didn’t help him lead his thoughts towards less dangerous seas. Besides, there was something he had wanted to ask her… something… important… oh yes, that was it: “Coke… I just… Could you…” think, Rory ! Urgent flow of blood required, destination: brain! “Could you just use your wand to harm me? That broom hasn’t done anything to you…”

It wasn’t until he saw the look on her face and heard her gasp that Rory realised that begging Coke to use her wand to hurt him might not have been such a bright idea. He was getting worried that she had misunderstood, and taken it as an invitation to hurt him – which it was not. What was worse was that Coke had seemed very excited by the idea, and Rory wasn’t so sure he liked pain... He might be willing to try it for her, though: she had looked almost turned on, and that kind of turned him on too. Rory pulled his mind out of the gutter... or at least tried. Coke suddenly bent over, her hair hiding her face and almost, but not quite, covering the gap left by her too large shirt, letting Rory see what was underneath. He tried to look away, but, well, he might have wished himself a gentleman he was still just a man, and she was almost half-naked and wet from the steam right in front of him. He breathed, trying to stifle a reaction that would have been less than appropriate in front of so many people.

What she did next provided him with a welcome distraction: she started to laugh, a full-throated laugh full of mirth that kind of took his breath away. It was a strong, beautiful sound, and it felt him with a different kind of desire that the arousal he had been feeling: the desire to be the one to make her laugh like that, in a different setting, in a different kind of way. He wanted her to laugh from joy until her belly ached, and he wanted to be the one to fill her with that happiness. The strength of that wish scared him.

Throwing his bottle of shampoo at Finn’s nose helped him think about something else – and the sadistic satisfaction he felt at his cry of pain made him think that maybe he could kind of understand what Coke felt when she hurt someone. “Owww, who the hell are you two? Freaking Bonnie and Clyde?” Rory didn’t answer, wondering how Coke would feel about them being compared to a legendary couple. “No !” she put her arm on his shoulders, cool against his burning skin “We’re Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!... I’m Mr Hyde!” that… absolutely did not answer his question, but at least it confirmed his suspicion that Coke was a sadist. It figured that in her mind he would be the sweet and nice-tempered Doctor, and she would be the dangerous sadistic killer. She turned to him and continued: “Well, Doctor! I’m on my way!” he grinned at being called “Doctor” and might have commented only... ”And don’t you worry for that brooooOOOOOHHHH!!!”...the two things he held dearest to him in this room suddenly flew away from him. He shook his head with despair and resignation, listening to the guys playing with puns: “A shooting star!” “A shooting Coke!” “A Coke shot!!!” “The vengeance of the broom!” “Coke falls from the sky! ”

He might have even found it funny... except Coke had fallen on a half-naked Kyle. Rory saw red for a second: Kyle was a nice guy, respectful, and Rory wouldn’t have normally cared but Coke had been especially sexy with her clothes sticking to her body and her skin wet from the steam, and right now he didn’t want anyone else touching her. He took a deep breath to calm himself, walked – well, okay, almost run – to her and starting talking as soon as he reached her and helped her up, waiting only to let her know it was him. “You know” he whispered so she was the only one to hear him “If you wanted me to play Doctor with you you only had to ask, you didn’t have to actually injure yourself” he said with a wicked grin clearly audible in his voice... and since he was having so much fun playing with words, he tried out another pun “I’ll be the Doctor to your Hide whenever you want...” he let his voice turn hoarse and full of promise, teasing her.

Then he gently took the broom from her hands “I’ll just let it there for now, okay?” he said, tapping the broom lightly against the locker to let her know where “here” was. He opened his locker that was luckily close to Kyle’s – he didn’t want to leave her side – and started getting dressed as quickly as he ever did. “Let’s just get out before you throw yourself at another half-naked guy. Unless you want to throw yourself at me, of course” he said, not able to resist the temptation to flirt with her a little more. He knew he was probably going to get shot down by Coke, but the temptation was just too strong.
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyLun 31 Oct - 9:46

The wood between her fingers had started vibrating, and by the time she'd realized it, everything had swept out of touch. The floor under her feet, her sense of balance, the voice of the boys everywhere around her, but mostly underneath, everything had turned upside down. And suddenly everything crashed. Her sense of balance came dolorously back on her hip and arm, and the floor felt once more, not under her feet, but under her side, with unknown naked flesh in-between… “Aaaaaaargh!!!!” Impossible to know if that scream was supposed to express her own fear or to inspire it to the boy to whom she’d shouted. “Back! Back! Get BACK!” Shouting her last word, she raised her broom above her head to strike, causing every man in the room to gasp, but the broom vibrated again and Coke felt she was pulled backwards. She almost fell, but someone caught her just in time. She was so much unsettled by now, not knowing where exactly in the room she was and who was around her, that she might have turned on the spot with her wand drawn and already circling, had she not recognized Rory’s soothing voice. “ I’ll just let it there for now, okay? “ She heard him say while she felt the broom being gently taken from her hand. “Right, the wand, not the broom…” she said drawing out her wand from her rocker’s pocket. Kyle, who had already staggered back at Coke’s shout, was now pushing against the wall as if he wanted to go through it, his feet vainly sliding on the wet floor. Coke felt pleasure at the sound of his panic. “You know” she heard Rory start as she was thinking of which spell she was going to use, “If you wanted me to play Doctor with you you only had to ask, you didn’t have to actually injure yourself” “Don’t worry, someone else is going to get injured too… What?!” A surprised tone had suddenly replaced the threatening one, as she turned from Kyle to Rory, only realizing what he had just said, or rather implied… “I’ll be the Doctor to your Hide whenever you want...” He went on, answering her surprised tone. She didn’t move and didn’t speak, but her muscles seemed to relax under her wet clothes. In her back, she heard Kyle’s sliding feet find their way with precipitation as a locker was violently shut. Coke’s feet also slided, her wand circling above her head, her hair faintly rising as if electricity had gained the room. Her jinx hit the wall, then a locker, then the showers wall, pursuing Kyle only millimeters behind him as he disappeared at the other end of the room. “Yeah, you better run!” Coke shouted. Every boy had turned silent, fearing the faintest noise might attract on them the same fate. They were astounded that a blind person might aim so close to her target. “Let’s just get out before you throw yourself at another half-naked guy.” At his tone, Rory was the only guy in the room not to be frightened. She was sure that, knowing her so well by now, he had guessed she had intentionally missed Kyle just to scare him even more in his flight and had never actually tried to hit him. She could heat Rory getting dressed behind her, and their closeness suddenly felt even more to her. “Unless you want to throw yourself at me, of course.” She couldn’t miss his flirting tone, neither could she resist. She reacted in less than a second “Are you actually volunteering?” said she in a wicked tone. She had briskly turned to him and thrown her hand closed in a fist to his chest. The hit had fallen with her last word, not violent, but breath-taking. “Whenever you want Lanswood!” she said in half laugh before kissing the air. It light have seem as she had tried to kiss Rory, but a cat’s sound was heard from the changing room’s door. Since her short flight, or rather crash, she had still no idea where in the room she was standing and needed her Kneazle to indicate her where the exit was. Following her Kneazle’s meow, she took her broom were Rory had put it, brushing his ski on the way, and went out on the room, boys bending backwards in mistrust on her way.

Out in the fresh air, Coke realized she was quite wet and shook with cold. Putting a knee on the floor to touch her Kneazle in appreciation of his help and apology for a late attitude towards him, the animal made a reproachful sound. “Yeah, you right…” She got up and took out her wand. After several light circles, her wand blew a thread of warm air with which she started to dry her clothes and hair…
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyMer 16 Nov - 22:18

“Aaaaaaargh!!!!” Rory heard her scream, a scream which seemed twenty percent scared and eighty percent mad as hell. Of course, he could be completely wrong, but that’s how she sounded to her. And because he didn’t like that little portion of fear he hurried a little more, while she yelled: “Back! Back! Get BACK!” She used The Broom as a weapon, again, making the whole room gasp. He saw her being pulled back by it and caught her before she could fly away from him. He wouldn’t let her do that again. He took The Broom away from her, he’d rather she used it with him. He informed her of what he was doing, and she answered: “Right, the wand, not the broom…”, okay, not exactly what he had meant by it, but good enough. She was concentrating on a spell, wondering which one to use, and he couldn’t help trying to distract her… and really he just wanted to flirt with her like she had with him. She was sexy when she wanted to hurt guys for touching her… “You know, if you wanted me to play Doctor with you, you only had to ask, you didn’t need to actually injure yourself” “Don’t worry, someone else is going to get injured too…What?!” . A wicked grin spread on Rory’s lips. What, he hadn’t been clear enough? He decided to push it a little further. “I’ll be the Doctor to your Hide whenever you want...” Her body relaxed, maybe because that answered her question, or because she finally found which curse she wanted to use. Kyle scrambled on the floor, making enough noise to wake the dead and she turned towards him, her wand moving beautifully and her hair rising from her face as if hit by the electricity that was now running through him. She was sexy, alright. She sent a hex after Kyle, who avoided it – only because she hadn’t wanted it to connect, of course. He knew she was incredibly good with a wand (at least when it came to hurting people). It was one of the many things he loved about her. She yelled after him “Yeah, you better run!” Rory chuckled under his breath, probably a lot happier than he should have been. Okay, he might have to admit he liked that she was attacking Kyle. He had felt like attacking him as well, lying half-naked under her. The room turned silent, and he smiled. Coke was a force to be reckoned with. He decided to get dress and get out while they were still subdued, and said “Let’s just get out before you throw yourself at another half-naked guy.” He feared a little jealousy had filtered in, and he continued to cover it, and also because he loved flirting with her – as much as he feared being shot down. “Unless you want to throw yourself at me, of course.” “Are you actually volunteering?” she answered, her wicked tone making his heart speed up, and her fist against his chest taking his breath away. Might as well, he could’ve said something stupid. “Whenever you want Lanswood!” he quenched the feeling of disappointment he felt when she kissed the air instead of him. She was such a tease! He shook his head with a small smile. He frowned a bit when he saw her take The Broom, which was Her Broom, really. He wasn’t sure he trusted her with it, he was scared they might hurt each other. Those thoughts as well as any other quickly flew from his mind though, as she lightly touched his naked skin on her way. He trembled, then shook his head and got dressed as quickly as possible. He almost forgot to take Joan on the way out.

The air was cold, frigid even. Joan burrowed under his clothes to snuggle against the skin of his neck. He shivered and got closer to Coke, feeling a rush of hot air coming from her wand. “Good idea” he said and dried his own hair. He then put his warm Quidditch coat on her shoulders, keeping his hands there as he whispered in her ear: “Here, it gets cold in the sky." he squeezed her shoulders lightly, then took his hands away. "I was thinking I could sit behind you, holding the broom in front. That way I'll frame your body, and you could hold onto my forearms. I swear I'll keep it smooth and steady. I'm pretty good with a broom you know. Especially with one of that quality" he said, a trace of longing in his voice, caressing the broom with the tip of his fingers. He got closer to her and whispered "Are you ready to fly?”
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyDim 4 Déc - 16:27

    Back in the outside, it seemed as if the cold and wet air had broken a spell. Faintly shaking, feeling her skin tense in an attempt to keep the warmth of her flesh, the warm and daring mood that had inhabited her left her completely. The air that went out of her wand seemed to whisper reality back to her, taking away her impressions on what had just happened, like a brisk wind blowing away the golden fog. “Did I actually flirt with Rory?” she asked her Kneazle. It had been a witness after all. She stopped her spell an instant. “We were supposed to beat the hell out of him! That’s why we came here!” She added as if her Kneazle was responsible for the failure. She then went on drying her skirt. “What’s wrong with me?” She didn’t sound like ashamed or resentful, merely puzzled. She wasn’t used to flirt with friends… Actually, she wasn’t used to have any friends. Rory was the first she could trust, she felt able to trust. What was that all about flirting all of a sudden? Was it another joke between them? Was it another way to make fun of him? What was it she was doing? “I think it’s all that fuss about the “I’ll make you fly on that broom” pick up line. It got into me without me even noticing…” “Mew.” “I totally agree. You are so totally right, that got to be it. Thank you for this pertinent comment!” she answered ironically to her Kneazle. “Mew.” “What? Are you insinuating something?” “Mew!” It went on. “Alright, I’m blind, not deaf! I talk too much, that’s it? I should shut up?” “Good idea.” “Ugh!!!” She exclaimed, jumping with surprise, facing Rory whose voice she had recognized. It was his presence that her Kneazle had been trying to make her notice so pressingly. On the soft grass of the field, with the whistling sound of the air coming out of her wand, she hadn’t heard him approaching. The typical whistling sound was to be heard again, and she finally understood that the good idea had not been to shut up but to use a drying spell… “It’s funny how hastily you follow me when I’ve got that broom…” She addressed him, now finishing to dry her shirt. “Should I get jealous?... God, am I doing it again?!” She added to herself, her tone switching immediately from teasing to amazement. She faintly shook her head in exasperation and bent forward to fry her long, entangled hair. It was like, along with her head, her ideas had all gone topsy-turvy inside her brain. She felt her Kneazle’s fur against her ankles as he tried to get a little warm air from her wand. “Sorry, by the way…” She said to it, sending him a little air full in the face so he could enjoy it. She then straightened, her hair dry, and felt hands on her shoulders. “UGH!!!” She screamed again… “Here, it gets cold in the sky." She could feel something hanging from her shoulders after he had lightly squeezed her before letting go, something that smelt like him. “What the… WHAT the… Don’t make me go rude, Lanswood!... ” “Mew?” Her Kneazle wondered. Why was its mistress getting all angered with him now? Her tone was absolutely furious, alright. That didn’t stopped her from wrapping up inside his Quidditch coat. What, she liked his scent. "I was thinking I could sit behind you, holding the broom in front. That way I'll frame your body, and you could hold onto my forearms. I swear I'll keep it smooth and steady. I'm pretty good with a broom you know. Especially with one of that quality." Coke went blank. She just couldn’t see what he was talking about. Well, it did sound as if he was instructing her about how he would make her fly, but, that was just ridiculous. Ever seen a blind fly? He could not seriously mean actual flying, right? Right? "Are you ready to fly?” “Oh boy !” she moaned, although she wasn’t sure if it was because of his stupidity or the way he had whispered to her ear… And frankly, she really didn’t pay any more attention to it. She was too busy bringing him back on earth. “No! No, I’m not ready, no. For heaven’s sake, no! I’ll never be ready! I…” “Oh men, don’t tell me she’s a virgin!” came a faint bewildered boy’s voice. They had come out of the changing room too, and were now enjoying the show from back there. They had thought that the distance would have stopped Coke from hearing them. “What?!... Shut UP! I mean,” Coke went on as the boy hid behind the others, “where did you even get that idea?!!! I’ll never fly with you!!!... I mean no, of course I’ll fly with YOU, but… I mean, NO, I WON’T fly with you, but the point is not with YOU, it’s just that I WILL NOT FLY, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU! Get it? The whole sitting behind me and framing me, and holding to forearms stuff is really nice but NO, thanks. THAT won’t do.” The boys were really enjoying it now. Their remarks and laughing in her ears were really annoying while she was trying to make sense out of her words. “I don’t care about you SHUT UP!... I don’t care about you being all smooth and steady, and I don’t care how good you are at it, I just…” “No offense Rory, she’s just scared!” “I said SHUT UP YOU PERV!!!...” She suddenly froze, and turned slowly towards them. “I what?...” She drew out her wand in her flash and her jinx hit the door frame right above their heads. “I AIN’T SCARED OF NOTHING, YOU… DON’T MAKE ME GET RUDE!!! COME ON, YOU!” She yelled Rory while she mounted her broom, ready to go, without him if he wasn’t fast enough. “Scared! I’ll show them!”
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyMar 17 Jan - 13:51

    “It’s funny how hastily you follow me when I’ve got that broom… Should I get jealous?” she said in that flirty voice he loved so much. “God, am I doing it again?” Yes, yes she was. And he decided to feel flattered that she couldn’t resist flirting with him and not offended that she seemed to be doing it against her will. She bent down to finish drying her hair, giving him a superb view of her behind that he wasn’t gentleman enough to ignore. She straightened then, and he gave her his warm Quidditch coat. Maybe a tiny teensy little bit out of guilt, but really because he didn’t want her to catch a cold up there. “Here, it gets cold in the sky”
    “What the… WHAT the… Don’t make me go rude, Lanswood! ...” Okay… what did he do wrong this time? “Mew?” Exactly! The Kneazle was right, smart creature. He was just being nice and thoughtful! He shook his head in bewilderment but didn’t comment. Better to change the subject quickly, he didn’t want to rile her up with the Broom so close to her.
    "I was thinking I could sit behind you, holding the broom in front. That way I'll frame your body, and you could hold onto my forearms. I swear I'll keep it smooth and steady. I'm pretty good with a broom you know. Especially with one of that quality." That earned him no answer, so he thought she must be agreeing with his plan. Good. “Are you ready to fly?” he said in a smooth, trust inspiring voice... that didn't work at all. “Oh boy! No! No, I’m not ready, no. For heaven’s sake, no! I’ll never be ready! I...” Okay, obviously he might have to plead up his cause a little bit more. He didn’t care though, he was not going to let her waste that Broom. “Oh man, don’t tell me she’s a virgin!” Great, his teammates seemed determined to be smartasses today! Rory wasn't sure he wanted an answer to that question. He turned towards the culprit, and if he hadn't recognized his voice, he could still have figured it was Donnelly by the way he was so bravely cowering behind his comrades. Oh, it was so nice of him to volunteer to be his new bludger target! Rory turned towards Coke, ready to intervene if she decided to use the Broom as a weapon again.
    “What?!... Shut UP! I mean... Where did you even get that idea?!!! I’ll never fly with you!!!" Oookay... Did she decide not to trust him anymore? "... I mean no, of course I’ll fly with YOU, but… I mean, NO, I WON’T fly with you, but the point is not with YOU, it’s just that I WILL NOT FLY, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU! Get it?" He did get it, and he was very happy to know that he wasn't the problem, but he was started to get really worried not only for the Broom but for himself as well... Because he was starting to find her funny. She was getting all flustered and it was something he was definitely not accustomed to see, and it was getting hard not to laugh. And the guys weren't making it any easier, crooning in singsong "Oooh, she would fly with you""The whole sitting behind me and framing me, and holding to forearms stuff is really nice but NO, thanks. THAT won’t do.” "You'll have to think of another position, Rory!" said Donnelly, still hidden behind the guys. “I don’t care about you SHUT UP!... I don’t care about you being all smooth and steady, and I don’t care how good you are at it, I just…” “No offense Rory, she’s just scared!” “I said SHUT UP YOU PERV!!!...” Coke froze, turning towards them, and Rory got closer real quick, his eyes on the Broom she was still holding. Bad idea, guys, such a bad, bad idea! “I what?...” her voice was fierce with rage. To his great relief, she drew out her wand and her jinx hit the door frame right above their heads. Then she put her wand back and straddled her broom, yelling “I AIN’T SCARED OF NOTHING, YOU… DON’T MAKE ME GET RUDE!!! COME ON, YOU! Scared! I’ll show them!” Wow, he owed those guys big time! "Okay" he said simply, quickly taking place behind her before she could change her mind or take off without him. He was lucky, she had positioned herself correctly instinctively. Sitting on the Broom - it really was a beauty - he snuggled against her, put his hands up front and whispered to her ear: "Okay, hold onto my forearms and lean on me. 3...2...1!" he tapped the ground with his feet, harder than he would normally have to account for the fact that they were two. They lifted up softly, and he tilted the Broom upward very gently to ascend progressively. His head was against her hair, which were incredibly soft and smelled like he would imagine the wind would after passing through a fairy forest. It was a fresh and natural scent that he already loved. He tilted the Broom a little more, and said "Just lean on me a little more. Relax against me, love", the term of endearment so casually used in Scotland coming naturally to him. When she wondered about it he answered, a little embarassed: "What? Love is blind, right?" He realised that his scottish accent had grown increasingly thicker. It was the moment Joan seemed to choose to wake up, and she began singing softly: "I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid! Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide? I can open your mind, take you wonder by wonder, over sideways and under on a magic broomstick ride. A whole new world...." Rory laughed softly and said: "Okay, I have to admit, I'm realising one of my dreams right now. Since I saw Aladdin taking Jasmine on a ride, I've always wanted to take to the sky with a beautiful girl one day. And now I have" his large grin was evident in his voice "So, how does it feel?" he asked, a little anxiously. For him, it was basically paradise. He was on a top-notch Broom that was just a joy to ride, against his favourite girl who smelt like heaven and whose hair and skin was as soft as she was tough inside.

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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyVen 20 Jan - 15:14

    Still upset by the insult, Coke had put the broom between her legs and froze… How the hell was she supposed to take off ? “Mew?” Her Kneazle wasn’t too sure about his mistress’s behaviour. But Coke only had the boys’ laughs in her ear, and it was making her deaf with rage. She was about to get furious at the broom for not taking off by itself once she was on it, but luckily, Rory took place behind her, quite close too. He was more against her, really. "Okay, hold onto my forearms and lean on me. Three...two…" “Oh please! Won’t you just…” "One!" Coke never finished her words.
    She had taken a huge gasp of fear and cold air. She had barely heard the last astonished “Mew!” of her Kneazle that the floor had just disappeared from under her feet. Ground, gravity, had always been her sole real mark. Not to feel it was like it was to anyone else to be thrown in the dark. She was lost, freaked out, and paralysed. Every bit of her muscles was tight with the expectation of the fall, wich wasn’t happening. Rory had her safe and tight in front of her. He was all she could feel now, all she could cling to. And she was, desperately, for dear life. With one hand, she was twisting his wrist at her side, with the other, she was pulling his neck behind her. She could feel enough of him. His legs behind hers, his chest against her back, his arms around hers, none of them were enough for her to feel reassured. She had to make sure he wouldn’t go away from her. If he ever did, she really might die of it. He had to stay against her. She felt the broom move and their weight changed. Coke wondered that although she hadn’t any marks, she could get even more lost that she already was…
    "Just lean on me a little more. " she heard him wisper in her ear. " Relax against me, love" “Sorry!!!” she screamed in astonishment. "What? Love is blind, right?" She had been more disturbed by the invitation to relax but whatever… She suddenly heard Joan singing a melodic tune, maybe feeling that Coke could do with a song to let go. "I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid! Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide? I can open your mind, take you wonder by wonder, over sideways and under on a magic broomstick ride. A whole new world...." Now that was something! Coke was so astonished she managed to relax a bit… “Is she serious!!!” "Okay, I have to admit, I'm realising one of my dreams right now. " How amusing! she thought. She was living a nightmare! "Since I saw Aladdin taking Jasmine on a ride, I've always wanted to take to the sky with a beautiful girl one day. And now I have. So, how does it feel?" Well that was the thing, wasn’t it? It didn’t!!! She couldn’t feel a bloody thing!!!... Apart from him. She tightened her grasp around him a bit more again. “Good…” she answered after a while, her voice still tensed with fear. “It feels good…”
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyVen 27 Jan - 10:25

"Since I saw Aladdin taking Jasmine on a ride, I've always wanted to take to the sky with a beautiful girl one day. And now I have. So, how does it feel?" He asked, a little nervous. He had taken advantage of her wish to prove them wrong, and he was now worried that she regretted acting on a whim. She stayed silent for a long while, unmoving and stiff as a board. She had relaxed a little when Joan had started singing, and he had been grateful for the distraction. But she hadn't relaxed more than that, and she was still very tense against him At first he had fought about explaining to her why Joan knew that particular song, and why she had changed the lyrics to suit the situation almost perfectly. Namely, the fact that he had been singing that song while taking his broom for a ride since she had won her prize. And that he had changed the lyrics with her in mind. He was on the verge of confessing (thus completely humiliating himself) when, to his great relief, she finally answered. "Good…” she said “It feels good…” He raised a skeptical eyebrow: her voice was still laden with fear. But she didn’t have any reason to lie, she wasn’t the kind of girl to tell a little white lie to make people happy. So maybe it really did feel good for her, if clearly a little terrifying as well. He could guess that it wasn’t easy for her to lose all her marks, and she couldn’t rely on a beautiful view to distract her. That's when he suddenly had an idea, and he told her softly: "Okay, now I'm going to turn gently... I'll have to lean a little on the right, just follow my movements love" The term of endearment had left his lips again but he couldn't bring himself to care. He was focused on turning as softly as possible so as not to scare her more than she already was. He suddenly realised that she really did have faith in him, she had to rely on him to bring them back to earth safely. Coke was not someone who gave her trust easily, if at all, and he was overjoyed that they had grown so close. He could feel her hand holding his neck and the other holding his arm, keeping him firmly pressed against her and he smiled. He took some time to just appreciate the warmth and softness of her body against his, and he nuzzled her neck. He felt the urge to nibble her skin but he refrained, not wanting to take too much advantage of the situation. She couldn't move away from him if she wanted to, after all. It would feel like he was forcing her. He sighed a little and then murmured: "Okay, now take a deep breath through your nose" he said, doing so himself. He had taken them on a wide circle, bringing them on top of the topical greenhouse. He had kept them low enough that he could smell the scent of the tropical plants, hear the buzzing of the insects flying in and out of it. He had hoped that being able to identify, thanks to clear landmarks, exactly where they were would reassure her. Plus, the tropical greenhouse smelt wonderful from above, the scent that was usually too strong and a little heady inside was spicy and fresh when mixed with the wind. The wide circle he was drawing brought them above the botanic greenhouse, near the lake and finally back to the Quidditch field. "Prepare for landing"he said in his best pilot voice, then brought them back to earth at a very soft angle. He let her touch down leisurely, observing her reaction. She seemed as reluctant to step away from him as he was to let her go, but she might have just needed time to adjust. When she stepped away, he stretched absent-mindedly and was surprised at the pain he felt in his neck and arm. Looking down, he realised he had red marks and little cat-like scratches on the arm Coke had held on to, and he guessed they were probably mirrored on his neck. A small smile stretched his lips: Coke had left him souvenirs.
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyVen 3 Fév - 11:34

No matter how long they had been flying now, Coke couldn’t possibly get used to it. The overwhelming sensation of emptiness, surrounding her from everywhere, as in eternal fall, without ever hurting the ground. The air was passing through her hair, brushing her face, making her dizzy with the cold. But most of her body was protected by Rory’s quidditch coat, and by Rory himself, so that the sensation of cold was not painful, but rather exciting, a new sensation of boundless freedom. She was not relaxing one bit though, for however few the fear was leaving her, it was immediately replaced by pure excitement, which tightened her muscles just as much… "Okay, now I'm going to turn gently... I'll have to lean a little on the right, just follow my movements love" Coke felt her insides twitched, although she could not tell if it was for dread when she felt their whole bodies bending to the right, or for pleasure to hear the new name he had given her. Everything was inextricably entangled. The sound of the wind and their voices, the feeling of terror with excitement. She was holding, and falling in the same time, feeling his body against her and yet having a feeling of surrounding emptiness .

She felt his breathing in her neck and heard him in her ear : "Okay, now take a deep breath through your nose" Actually he was quite right. She had forgotten to breathe since they had left the ground. With the powerful wind against her face and the fear paralyzing her chest, she was only bringing air to her lungs with powerful gasps of fear or surprise when Rory was gently shifting their direction. She took a huge breath of icy air, which strangely had something of wet and warm. She then recognized the scent of the tropical flowers of one of Pr. Hayes’ green houses, which she usually smelled in the dampness and warmth of the room. Now it felt totally different. She was not in a crowded classroom but free and lonely in the sky. She took another breath of the smell, fruity, rich with variety and yet light in strength. They could have flown overseas to another continent, she was sure it wouldn’t have felt any different. "I didn’t notice we were that far in the south… Is that Africa?” she asked, something like humour or teasing in her tensed voice.

Not long later, she heard Rory take a professional tone and say : "Prepare for landing" She would have answered “Please put out your cigarette and tighten your seat belt”, but the idea of returning to the ground frightened her more than anything. There was only two ways to do it, and she had no idea what she should do to help Rory avoid the hard way. Her whole body tensed back just as when they had taken off, and could do nothing but to wait with powerful anxiety the moment her feet would touch the ground, praying her ankles and knees would hold her. She then began to feel that the broom and Rory were moving away from her, causing her to gasp and stick her nails into Rory’s flesh to bring him back against her. ”Meeeeewwwww…” She felt her Kneazle fondling against her ankles, causing her legs to relax suddenly, and powerfully trembling with the rush of adrenaline tha was still flowing in her veins…. Wait a second. Her Kneazle?

Coke realized suddenly they had already landed. The air touching her skin was no more than the gentle breeze going through the field, and after having made some steps on the grass, she recognized the familiar sensation of gravity keeping her to the ground. Familiar and a bit oppressive now she was thinking of it. Familiar, overpressing, predictable, one step after another… Boring… "Oh I’m sorry my pet.” she apologized to her Kneazle, taking him off the ground in her arms. "I missed you, but I’m sure you wouldn’t have liked it.” she had stressed on the “you”, insinuating that she had liked it very much. She then gently threw her Kneazle in the air before catching him back, feeling its limbs dazzled and its claws drawn out. "See?” She kissed it and put it back on the ground. "So, Lanswood! Wanna keep that broom?” Then she turned to Rory, all of her self-confidence back again. "I couldn’t fly it on my own anyway, now could I? Keep it, so that next time I have my broom and my pilot all at once!” Coke was totally enjoying it. Giving Rory at the same time her broom and the fact that she was already thinking about flying again, it must’ve been like an early Christmas for him…
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The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED Vide
MessageSujet: Re: The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED   The Oncoming Storm - CLOSED EmptyMar 28 Fév - 10:47

    They touched down softly. He reluctantly started moving away from her, but she immediately dug her nails into his skin, pulling him back. Not that he was complaining, far from it: he was happy to stay pressed against her body a little longer. Merlin, he loved the feel of her, of the softness and warmth of her curves against him. But he knew she was only reacting that way because she hadn't registered that they had landed quite yet. Her Kneazle let out a low "meow", and he felt her legs tremble against his, out of relief no doubt. She moved away from him, without a second thought. And maybe he was a tiny little bit disappointed that she could pull away from him so easily, when it had been so hard for him to do the same. "Oh, I'm sorry pet" He coloured, thinking she had picked up on his disappointment somehow. He turned towards her and opened his mouth to say something, he wasn't sure what, when he realised that she had been talking to Owl. That made a lot more sense indeed, it did struck him as odd that she would start calling him "pet". She picked her Kneazle up and told him tenderly : "I missed you, but I'm sure you wouldn't have liked it". The way she stressed the "you" made it seem like she did, but he wasn't sure that was quite true. But then again, she wasn't the kind to lie for no reason, especially not to make someone feel better. Which meant that she really did enjoy it, and he had to admit that felt good. He was pretty good of himself actually, as the stupid smile on his face could attest. And then she threw her Kneazle in the air. "See?" His eyes went wide and he sucked in a breath: playing throw and catch with an animal that had claws and teeth was such a bad idea! Then the Kneazle landed back into her hands, completely freaked out but still incredibly careful. He had forgotten momentarily that it was Owl and Cocoon he had been needlessly worrying about. With a small sigh of relief he calmed his hammering heart. "So, Lanswood! Wanna keep that broom?” He froze, not daring to trust what he was hearing. Did she really say what he just thought she had said? She turned to him and she looked happy, self-assured. Maybe it was all a trick, maybe she really didn't like flying and was punishing him by making him think that she was gonna give him The Broom when in reality she had no intention of doing so... His mind was reeling and his eyes were roaming her body in search of clues that she didn't really mean it. "I couldn’t fly it on my own anyway, now could I? Keep it, so that next time I have my broom and my pilot all at once!” Next time? Did she just say there was gonna be a next time? Oh Merlin, she was telling him that he could keep The Broom, so that they could fly again, together. He was keeping it, so she wouldn't hurt it and it wouldn't hurt her, and oh merciful Zagro, he could fly on it again! Alone, and with her! He was gonna fly again, on The Broom, with Cocoon McGallifrey. He was still frozen, scared to believe it, but nothing in her body language hinted at a lie. He unfroze and walked toward her, slowly. "Cocoon..." he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. He embraced her soflty, without any pressure so that she could move away anytime she wanted. He took a deep breath of her warm scent, then said: "Okay, but you have to promise to be gentle with me next time. You marked me" his voice was still emotional, betraying the casual tone of his words. "My neck and arm will take some time to heal" he said a bit teasingly, then his tone became serious "Thank you, Cocoon" He kissed her lightly on the cheek, just a brush of lips. Then he stepped away from her, surprised by how cold the wind seemed now that he wasn't snuggling to her body heat. He considered asking for his Quidditch coat back for about one second. If it was cold for him it was for her too. Plus, she was sexy in it. He loved seeing her wearing his clothes, and the idea that when he got it back it would smell like her... And if he didn't get it back, well he could just buy another one. It would be totally worth it if he could see her in his Quidditch coat again. Stopping himself from hugging her or kissing her again, he started walking her back to the castle, asking her with the tone of a child who couldn't quite believe it if she really did love their ride.
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